Feeling Behind on your Writing? 4 Steps to Sync Up for the New Year

Let me tell you about a dirty little habit that millions indulge but nobody talks about: It's epidemic among writers! We look up other writers' birthdays and compare them to the copyright date of their first book and add or subtract the number of years from our own age and proceed to drive ourselves crazy.…Read more Feeling Behind on your Writing? 4 Steps to Sync Up for the New Year

The Ultimate Antidote for Your Inner Critic

Sure, writers should have the ability to be objective and even critical, however when our clever editorial skills take on a life of their own, it makes the creative process miserable. We've all experienced flare ups of the inner critic. Symptoms include: Work slows down as you write and erase, write and erase. You feel…Read more The Ultimate Antidote for Your Inner Critic

6 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block, Even When You’re Not Writing

Just as those last few pounds are hard to drop, those last few chapters, and especially those last few paragraphs are hard to write. If you want to keep your passion project passionate you should have some trusted habits to loosen up and let yourself NOT work on it. That’s right, step away from your…Read more 6 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block, Even When You’re Not Writing

3 Literary Game Changers that will Enhance Your Writing

If you want your story or essay to stand out in a crowded market, these are literary concepts that will transform your writing by maximizing depth and power. These are the real game changers. They captivated people in Ancient Greece, and they've been mastered by Hollywood, but they are also the mark of great literary…Read more 3 Literary Game Changers that will Enhance Your Writing